Where to begin!?
I don't have a lot of time (we're supposed to be in Fort Wayne in 20 minutes.... it's an hour drive... oops!)
This week has been filled with lots of grace! Lots of little miracles. :) It's wonderful to be a missionary. Ooh, I love it.
This week we had family home evening with a recent convert family and had so much fun. I am so grateful for all the family home evenings I had growing up. :) Family time is important.
Friday I went to Huntington for exchanges and we had a great day! I always learn so much from the other sisters. :) Sister Chavez and I had a grand old time. It was pretty cool, we taught one of the investigators that I had taught on exchanges in Huntington a year ago!
Saturday we had a "media split" day, where members came out with us to take pictures and document what we do all day! :) We delivered cookies, taught lessons, played games with the folks at the nursing home, found some new people to teach, and did a virtual chapel tour. It was a good day. :)
Earlier this week I picked up an old Ensign and read "Walking in Circles". I thought it was cool. One of the quotes at my study desk came from that article, and I never knew it!
My favorite part of this week was yesterday. I got to sing "Savior Redeemer of My Soul" in sacrament meeting. Singing is one of the ways I express my love and share my testimony, so it was pretty neat for me to be able to say goodbye to the ward in that way. The arrangement from 17 Miracles is so beautiful. Luckily we have a sister in the ward who is talented and came up with the accompaniment for me to sing with. :) We recorded it Thursday night when we practiced, I'll see if I can get a copy of it to share.
I hope you all have a wonderful week! :)
Much love,
Sister Sarah Jane Lewis
P.S. Some people have been asking questions about when I'm speaking in church. I have been told it will be March 22ndbecause of ward and stake conferences.