Wednesday, February 25, 2015


This week flew by!

We had a lot of great things happen this week. Lots of opposition, but lots of good things too. 

On Monday we had family home evening with a family in the ward. The dad is a member, and the mom wants to be baptized! 

Tuesday we met Lavar! He's a family man and we're excited to teach him! Later Tuesday evening we went to the Relief Society activity with our investigator, Debbie. She completely surprised us because she usually just sits at her computer when we teach her husband Ronald. :) But she had fun! :) 

Valentine's day was pretty eventful! We had lots of blowy snow! We had a blizzard in the morning (you couldn't see the cars in the parking lot outside the windows), and the rest of the day the wind blew the snow around--as if it were still snowing. We had lunch with a member and afterward taught Derrick, one of the people I taught when I was here a year ago. (The fact that he met with us again was a miracle!) He wants to learn again, and we're hoping that time and experience have softened his heart. 

Lots of little miracles every day! It's cool when you have experiences that let you know that you're in the right place at the right time, we had a few of those. We were supposed to teach a woman named Rose, but she wasn't home. So we decided to go and see if Austin was home. We were approaching his house and sister Nielsen said "His car isn't there." I felt like we should try to see him anyway. We pulled up and I looked around. Just to my right there was a lady standing at her window. I waved, and she waved back! It turned out to be a lady that the sisters before me had taught--and she was moving. She was only back for 24 hours so she could pack! It was a blessing to be able to see her. She'll be meeting with missionaries in the city where she's moving. :)

Yesterday's Relief Society lesson was really wonderful. The sister who was teaching made the analogy of how sometimes we might feel like we're living in a desert.

Things seem kind of dry, desolate, hard, lifeless,  and dull. 

But when examine our lives, even the hardest times, we find that there are flowers blooming on the cacti, and the skies are clear at night, making it an ideal place to look up and see the stars.

It might seem cliche, but finding the silver lining makes a big difference.

I love you all!

-Sister Lewis

1858 S. Business 31 Apt. 2D
Peru, Indiana 46970

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