The other day, I was talking to Sis. Lewis and we were discussing how the area that we work in has the potential for several units to be created--there are enough people to make about 3-4 units in the land area of the 1 small ward we have. We were talking about how if the people would just listen, and then join, that the growth in the area would be amazing. But unfortunately, the people see and think we are wolves in sheep's clothing, that we want them to become polygamists, and that they should throw out the Bible. But the truth is, we are sheep in wolves clothing (these skirts) and we want them to throw out the polygamists and become Bibles. Hahahaha
But the truth of it is that we have a huge area, and there are a lot of people, but we can't talk to them all, and get them to listen. We have to learn how to work with the members to bring others into the fold. As we as missionaries and members work together, the fold increases. The Work Hastens, and the Lord is pleased. I have come to love working with the members in my ward or branch. They are the family that I create to help me while I am away from my family at home. It is only when I try to work with them that anything really starts to happen in our work. I cannot work without them, and they cannot progress without the missionaries.
This week has ben FANTASTIC!!!! I had an interview with President Porter last week, and we had a really good conversation. As I walked out of my interview, he told me he doesn't think he has ever had an interview with me when he hasn't' laughed at me. I told him that it's true, and in fact, I expect him to do so. Then he laughed at me some more.
I was also blessed to hear from President and Sis. Porter yesterday in a special sisters' conference. President was asked by the Sister Training Leaders in the mission (kinda like zone leaders) to talk about the Doctrine of Women. So President Porter broke down 2 Nephi 13 where it talks about women and how they, in these last days, are selling themselves for nothing. Some of the translations for that chapter are super interesting. I wish I could tell you everything that he told us. And then he told us about the Creation, as told to us in Moses. 2. So when you read Moses 2, you will see a pattern of how the Lord created the world. He started with the Earth, and then the water, and then the sky, and the land, and I'm skipping things in here, but then he got to the plants. He started with grass-not very complicated at all, and then the bush, and the tree, and so on an so forth. These were followed by the animals. He started in the water, and created the amoeba, and the fish, and randomly the bird (I say randomly, but we all know God is not random), and whatever else grows in the water, ending with the Whale. What is so important about the Whale do you ask? It is a mammal-it has the ability to create life within itself. And then the day ends. And then God created the land animals, the one more important and useful than the last. So, we see a pattern of creation here. And last of all, He had 2 more creations: Adam and Eve. But, which was created last of all? Eve--Woman. She is the crowning creation of all things, because she is the last.
And then he talked a little about Priesthood. It has 3 meanings: 1) To Teach, 2)To Bless, and 3) To Set in Order. The Priesthood was given to Adam to protect the crowning creation: Eve. A Priesthood Holder has 3 tasks given as part of the Covenant of the Priesthood: 1) To Protect, 2) Provide, and 3) Preside. But what does that last word mean? It also has 3 meanings: 1) To Teach, 2) To Bless, and 3) To Set in Order.
And when Eve was created, she was created as a helpmeet for Adam. What does that word mean? It does not mean helper. Throw that idea out. In Hebrew, it means to 1) Save and 2) To Be Strong. Eve was created to save Adam, and her posterity. Without Eve, humanity could not exist. As women, we are vital in the role of saving children from Satan. Without life, there can be no chance of inheriting a kingdom of glory. If children are not born, then they are subject to the Devil for eternity, but because Eve took of the fruit, she could bare children, and save them from eternal damnation. We are co-creators with the Atonement and Christ, in the Salvation of souls!!!! How powerful is that!? And more than that, when a woman raises her children in righteousness, she can save them from living in the Terrestrial Kingdom, so that they can live as a family in the Celestial Kingdom!!!
I hope this makes sense, but it blew my mind when he explained this to us. I wish you could all hear him speak! President Porter is one of the most wise men I have ever met, and he cares so much for each of us. And the reason he cares so much for each of us is because he cares so much for the Savior, and in return, the Savior blesses us through him. I learned a lot about myself yesterday. I know how much I am a valued daughter to my Father in Heaven, and a beloved Sister of Jesus Christ. I am so blessed to be a part of the Lord's Kingdom here on Earth. I know this is the true Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and if we hold to the Rod of Iron, we can be with our families forever.
I love you all, and I know that the Lord watches over us.
Sis. Worthen
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